Sunday, June 20, 2021

Nina's and Julia's viewpoints on sexfighting

1. Why do we love sexfighting so much?bNina

Most girls who've ever had a sexfight will probably agree with us that it's one of the most intense sexual experiences a woman can have. It's quite different from ordinary sex. During sex, you adapt to the needs and desires of your partner. The shared climax is the goal. Of course this can be just as fantastic.
But sexfighting isn't about being considerate of someone else. It's more sport than sex in this regard. It's about testing your own limits. It's about proving your superiority over an opponent. It's about power! The power to bring a woman to orgasm against her will, just as she tries with you. If you're capable of doing so, you can not only call yourself the "better woman", but you also have control over the loser and, depending on the pre-fight agreements, you can ask anything of her. Beyond that, in our opinion, it reflects the natural struggle for the law of the strongest and, conversely, the feminine connection to nature.
Because of the high adrenaline you can get into a kind of ecstasy until your own physical reserves are exhausted. The two combatants merge into a disharmonious unity in which both women fight for the upper hand. And even if a match began on a friendly basis, you can end up facing a serious rival in the end. Wild, hard and wet sexfighting is our passion. This mixture of sexual stimulation and competition is unique among lesbian sexual practices in terms of intensity and physical demands.
Certainly not all women would enjoy sexfighting. If you don't want to see your lover as a temporary rival or think of sex only as a way to satisfy yourself, you better stay away from it. But all other, open-minded women can certainly discover a new sexual and sporty hobby for themselves.

2. Why tribbing/scissoring is the only true way for a sexual test of Julia

People often ask us why we're focussing so much on a single position in our depiction of sexfighting. Why are we only talking about tribbing and not about licking, fingering or toys?
First of all, simply because tribbing is our absolute favorite position. Furthermore, I learned sexfighting that way. I was introduced to the concept of it mainly by Tribgirls. As the name suggests, tribbing was the main focus there. Other producers also made tribbing the focus of their portrayed scenes.
Last but not least, my own first experiences, back then in California, made a lasting impression on me. The women I learned from and competed against only fought pussy-to-pussy and never otherwise, without exceptions.
They argued as follows and I've defended this position with full conviction ever since: On the one hand there are regulations in every sport in the world and on the other hand all athletes work under the same conditions. 22 football players all play with the same ball, athletes sprint on the same, equally long running track and fencers have nothing but their sabers. If a football team has an additional player, one runner has to run 200 meters less than the others, or one of the fencers fights with a rocket launcher instead of a sabre, the regulations are invalid and there is no equal opportunity.
If you transfer this scenario to sexfighting, it must be obvious that tribbing is the only legitimate way to determine the true better woman. Both combatants fight with the same weapons: pussies, clits and titsWhen rubbing their pussies together, both are stimulated simultaneously, evenly and with the same intensity. There are no aids and the only thing that counts is who of the two can withstand this arousal the longest without reaching orgasm.
When licking or fingering, however, this stimulation doesn't necessarily happens equally or at the same time. The same applies to a greater extent to dildos and other toys. The opponents don't even really compete woman to woman, as there is no real physical contact, which is essential for every sex match.
We're well aware that not all women experience joy or satisfaction from tribbing. And we also respect other opinions on this matter. We would never judge a woman who likes to use her tongue for sexfighting. But in our opinion, a woman must first prove herself pussy against pussy before she can call herself sexually superior.

3. Fighting for a man or straight sexfighting? by Julia

Anyone looking for sexfighting on the internet will find a lot of material. But what's noticeable is that most films, stories and blog posts are based on the scenario that two women are fighting over a man. We categorically reject this for our blog. On the one hand because we're lesbian and we think of the idea that women only fight when it comes to a man's favor as humiliating. And on the other hand because we're convinced that this originates solely from the sexual fantasies of these men and that it has nothing to do with reality.
However, our goal is to establish sexfighting as a hobby for lesbian and bisexual women. We don't want to forbid any man his fantasies and in the end it was primarily men in the background who made sexfighting known, for which we are very grateful. But we fundamentally doubt the intentions behind it. Was it about expanding the facets of female sexuality or just about serving male fetishes and consolidating a patriarchal worldview?
So please, don't expect much understanding from us if you'd like to see more stories like this on our blog. Because there won't be any. We want to create a space in which women can learn and have fun without being bothered by horny troublemakers.
We've also been criticized for designing our posts too limited. That we call sexfighting an "exclusively feminine way of combat". Again: We are lesbian and look at it from a female perspective. And as already described, for us sexfighting is synonymous with tribbingHeterosexual sexfights are certainly also a thing. Just not on this blogAfter all, women and men are sexually built very differently - not particularly advantageous for a sexfight under equal conditions.


  1. Love the blog ! I agree with your 3 points on SexFighting. I like your points on being like a sport, and that scissoring is the true representation between 2 woman match. About the last point I agree, that SexFighting main goal is not to get man or a woman. And I agree that SexFighting for a third party is more common of a male fantasy that anything, that can be more view mostly on the web. But I still think that is believable (not making this the rule) to have a SexFight for the affection of a third party, being this female or male, to prove your superiority over you opponent in front of your mate or potential one. As any sport it can be view as a competition or a match to prove who is better. Like when 2 guys have a match of basketball of boxing match, to show how is fiscal superiority and there for more appealing in front for a prospective mate. Despite this aspect, I more incline towards your point of view; that as a sport, is more likely to be about your self endurance superiority over an opponent.

  2. P.S. If you are interested in Females Fantasy SexFights, I recommend on looking for the work of a great 3D artist name Entropy in his site **Basement Female Combat** or **BFC** for shot where the protagonists not only fight for a guy, but also for there gal; or just only to prove their superiority to there opponent. ;)
