Sunday, June 6, 2021

The choice of battlefield

The choice of the battlefield can be decisive for the end result of a tribadic duel. Every woman has her own individual preferences. Most prefer to fight in the classic way, namely in bed. Some love slippery oil matches. And others want to roll around on green grass, compare their womanhoods on the beach or let warm bathtub water caress their pussies while they clash. The possibilities are nearly unlimited. But a sexfighter's strengths manifest differently on each battleground. For example, a world-class bed warrior could be overwhelmed with a slippery oil trib. Conversely, a woman who likes to fight in water or oil may not be able to take full advantage of her skills on a mattress. Therefore, one should always consider the effects of the location on oneself and perhaps adapt the own fighting style to the given circumstances. But of course the best sexfighters can reach their full potential anywhere.


  1. Luv getting it on with a bitch in a club dance floor quiet corner or toilets

  2. I always want to finish off my opponent in her own bed....adds to the humiliation.
