Sunday, July 7, 2024

Beauty and Naturalness

Sex is a mysterious thing. It can make people happy, it can make people jealous, it can be an expression of love, passion, service, rebellion or power. Hardly anything shapes us as diversely as the most wonderful pastime in the world. Above all, the power aspect, which includes sexfighting, is particularly spicy. When sporting ambition or deep rivalry finds its way into sexual desires, the act of affection becomes a demonstration of power and a competition for physical and mental dominance in a relationship between two women. Sure, such duels could be fought only verbally or with fists, but why stoop to a lower level when women have been given the opportunity to let their sexual prowess speak for itself? The tribadic showdown is a symbol of feminine civilization in a world full of barbarism, which puts beauty and naturalness in the foreground.

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