Sunday, August 22, 2021

On patrol with the enemy

It's not easy for a patrol officer to have to work every day with a colleague she detest. For years there has been a relationship between Charlène (brunette) and Théa (blonde) consisting of jealousy, envy and general belligerence. And yet they never asked their superiors to dissolve their working team or to assign them to other colleagues. The reason for this is simple. They found a way to vent their aggressions on each other non-violently and to let off steam regularly. Whenever there is a disagreement or sexual rivalry during a patrol, Théa and Charlène lock the locker room after the end of their shift and test each other's tribadic skills. So it came about that a mutual respect was slowly established, since they fought on equal terms and neither of them could claim a superiority. But that doesn't mean that they became friends. Au contraire. Their rivalry consolidated even more. Nonetheless, Charlène and Théa enjoyed their pussy battles and clit wars, which cooled their working atmosphere, but heated up their personal relationship due to the fire of sexfighting.

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