Sunday, November 20, 2022

A unique opportunity

Alexia Michelakis is a former world-class tribfighter who made a small fortune from the prize money of her triumphs in the late 90's and early 2000's. After her career ended, she bought an extravagant villa on her native island of Cyprus and retired. But once a sexfighter, always a sexfighter. Her fondness for woman-to-woman sexual showdowns continued to shape Alexia's life. However, she was now reaching an age where she no longer has the same stamina, vigor and agility like in her mid-twenties. She had to admit that numerous younger women had pushed her off her throne. As a result, she had to reorient her commitment.
Because of her decision to promote promising talents from now on instead of fighting herself, she organizes a tournament in her villa every spring. It's primarily unofficial and is for tribfight amateurs to showcase themselves. Alexia Michelakis has contacts to numerous talent scouts and sponsors, so a recommendation from her would be priceless. The fights are accordingly heated.
Alexia is basically just acting as a hostess. She leaves the time, place, type, duration and victory conditions of the tribadic duels entirely to the girls, which is why there are always quite spontaneous clashes. Meanwhile, Alexia enjoys the sights and sounds of the many pussyfights in her house or by her pool, and she feels flashbacked to her own past.

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