Sunday, March 17, 2024

Youthful hot-bloodedness

When two young-blooded, hotheaded girls meet in a tribadic storm that would drive many women insane with uncontrollable lust, their wrestling pussies and clits are literally swimming in a lake of wet desire. Orgasm after orgasm causes their reserves to dwindle, but the fighting is only interrupted by short cooling breaks. It's as if this concentrated youthful power is sending them to a place where there is nothing but this tribfight. A rage builds up that bursts out in sudden furious thrusts, causing their cunts to rub against each other with such ferocity that one should beware of sparks. Neither grants the other even the slightest victory, hate and lust merge and create energy, and every attempt to take control is immediately reciprocated. But every sexfight has to come to a decision at some point and then it will become clear which woman was able to prove her dominance in fucking.


  1. I love that video never seen girls so much intro "fighting" each other. Shame you cant find it anywhere online.

  2. Hey Julia! I'm a follower of your posts for a few years now. I absolutely love your captions. Is there any chance you would maybe find a forum to bring this into? Like maybe bdslmr, because Tumblr f'd up. Looking forward to your response:)
